“Meet Able Maew: A Cat of Boundless Love, Sporting Just Two Legs”

A cat with a disability often doesn’t know that they are any different than another cat. They are often just as happy, playful, and curious as any other feline would be. For Able Maew, he didn’t have an easy start at life. He was found living on the streets of Thailand. After chasing prey and being electrocuted from a nearly fatal fall onto an electric transformer, he was in very bad shape. His front legs and tail were not spared, but he found a way to adjust to his new way of life thanks to a human who took a chance on him. Today, he lives happily indoors with his cat housemates and is spoiled and very loved.

Everyone, meet Able Maew!




Gặp Able Maew: Chú mèo hạnh phúc có hai chân và rất nhiều trái tim


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