Loyal Dog Stays by Dying Horse’s Side Until the Very End.

Martn Miranda and his family rescued a total of eleven dogs, including one named Forastero. They also saved a horse named Canario from being sent to a zoo to be used as food for lions. Sadly, Canario was very sick, but Forastero remained by his side until the horse passed away.

Even though the Canary was weak and couldn’t support itself, the family decided to approach the owner with a request to try and save it. They had already saved various animals before like chickens, rabbits, and dogs, and the idea of losing this horse was too heartbreaking for them to bear.

For a period of five months, Canario resided with Martn’s family, yet there was no improvement in his situation. Unfortunately, Canario’s health declined significantly, to the extent that he was unable to support himself.

Volunteers for Our Horses (VPN), a charitable organization, reached out to Ayuda a Caballos Maltratados (ACMA) members in Argentina with regards to a horse that was lying on the ground and couldn’t get up.

The equine creature was lacking any dentition, appeared to be highly aged and depleted, had consumed its own skeletal structure, and exhibited other common signs of an elderly horse.

The vet in Corse had an epiphany when he came across a horse in distress. He knew that this was not a typical case of mistreatment, as it is commonplace in the region for horses to be overworked and pushed to their limits until they collapse from exhaustion. The poor creature, named Canary, was on the brink of death and unable to move. With great sadness, the vet gave him a shot to put him to rest, allowing him to finally escape his suffering.

The family was taken aback upon discovering that their Canary had been given up, but they quickly realized that the horse they thought was sickly and young turned out to be an old animal in need of peace and quiet.

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