“Feline Fun in Germany: My Adorable Kittens Assisting Me in Capturing Purrfect Photos”

How German Kitties Aided Their Mama in Mastering the Art of Feline Photography

Capturing cats in photographs is a breeze as they inherently possess the knack of posing like professional models. Their stillness and open eyes contribute to some awe-inspiring images. While scrolling through my Instagram feed, I stumbled upon some enchanting pictures of two cats, Cara and Yuna. Their owner’s photography skills coupled with their striking appearances made their pictures stand out from the rest. I got the opportunity to converse with the owner about her work and her adorable duo, and their photos reveal their distinctive personalities. Thus, continue reading to discover more about these feline supermodels!

How German Kitties Aided Their Mama in Mastering the Art of Feline Photography

How German Kitties Aided Their Mama in Mastering the Art of Feline Photography

Have you ever pondered over how cats acquire their names? This question led me to contemplate how I named my own feline companions. The first cat I owned was named Fortuna by the breeder, which meant “gift from heaven.” However, the name did not suit my cat’s personality. Thus, after conducting research, I discovered the name Cara, which denotes “valuable.” It felt like a perfect fit for my beloved feline.
When I adopted my second cat, a cute little kitten, she did not have a name yet. Her playful and adorable demeanor inspired me to christen her Yuna, which has two meanings: “the young, blooming one” and “the friendly one.” As it so happens, both of my cats’ names aptly reflect their unique personalities.

How German Kitties Aided Their Mama in Mastering the Art of Feline Photography

What is the dynamic between Cara and Yuna like?
Cara and Yuna’s relationship can be unpredictable, with moments of both animosity and affection. At times, they prefer to keep their distance and growl at each other, while on other occasions, they cuddle up and groom each other on the sofa. Their behavior towards each other is also influenced by hunger.
What are their unique personalities?
Cara is generally easy-going but takes time to warm up to strangers. When she trusts someone, she shows great affection and enjoys cuddling. She remains gentle even when given treats and never displays aggression.
Yuna is more energetic and playful, often running around the apartment and getting into mischief. Despite occasional spooking, she is a loving and purrs loudly. She embodies all things feline, and even caught a bat on the balcony before snuggling with her owners.

How German Kitties Aided Their Mama in Mastering the Art of Feline Photography

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