An Emotional Journey: Exclusive Footage Uncovers the Heroic Rescue of Bait Dogs (Prepare to Be Moved).

It’s not uncommon for us to come across bait dogs who have been saved or taken in as pets. I always enjoy sharing their heartwarming stories. However, this video is particularly noteworthy as it sheds light on the process of uncovering these animals’ plights.

By sharing this video, we can raise awareness about the inhumane living conditions that dogs are forced to endure before they are rescued. Moreover, we can advocate for stronger laws against dog fighting globally. Tom McPhee, Executive Director of the World Animal Awareness Society (WA2S) and Producer & Director of the American Strays series, joins Michigan Humane Society Officers on a mission to uncover fresh canines that are being used as bait for fighting dogs. The cameras capture the shocking conditions in which these poor dogs have to live. Bait dogs are subjected to severe injuries, untreated wounds, tied lips, maggots, and malnutrition.

According to Jenny Jackson, a Michigan Humane Society Officer, they deal with dog fights all year round. These fights are usually organized by young people who tie up pit bulls in abandoned yards and battle them in parks with whatever dogs they can get. It’s sad to note that these dogs are often neglected and don’t receive proper medical attention, food, water, or shelter. Unfortunately, many of them are just left to fend for themselves.

Thankfully, with the assistance of The Michigan Humane Society and WA2S, two pit bulls were able to receive help. Nonetheless, there are countless other dogs out there in need of rescuing.
Note: Viewer discretion is advised as this video contains graphic material. Nevertheless, rest assured that the tale concludes on a positive note.

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