“Abandoned Canine with Bone Cancer Endures Neglectful Drunk Owner’s Backyard Chain Imprisonment”

GWARP was informed on September 22 about an old dog that was chained and refused basic necessities like water and food, even though it was already sick. Despite being in the animal rescue business for quite some time, GWARP never encountered such a cruel situation before.

The poor dog seems to be afflicted with bone cancer, which has gone untreated. It has spent years on a short chain, subsisting on garbage and scraps. The lack of proper nutrition and vitamins has led to the development of osteosarcoma, a form of bone cancer. According to the vet, this type of cancer is usually due to severe damage and infection that manifests as a tumor. Sadly, the person who reported the case witnessed the dog being brutally beaten by its intoxicated owner, who kept it hidden in his yard for years, unable to move more than a couple of feet due to the short metal chain.

The GWARP rescue team encountered a roadblock when they tried to rescue a boy due to the owner’s refusal. The owner believed that the team could not take his “property.” With no other option left, the team called for assistance from the nearby police. Upon leaving the premises, the team noticed that the dog seemed to be crying. After a few hours, they were able to obtain the necessary paperwork, and the owner had a change of heart. However, he stated that they would only be allowed to take the dog if they reported it.

We came to an agreement that the distressed dog required urgent medical examinations and blood tests. Additionally, our son needed an immediate amputation, and we sent fabric samples for histological analysis. The journey ahead is still quite lengthy.

Osteosarcoma, a serious form of bone cancer, was confirmed through x-ray examination. The good news is that there are no signs of the cancer spreading to his white lung, which gives him a glimmer of hope for survival. Unfortunately, the tumor is aggressively growing and causing the skin to tear due to its rapid expansion. Its growth rate seems to be increasing every day.

After enduring a sad past, Jordan was given a revitalizing bath to wipe away any lingering negativity from his previous owner. Unfortunately, there’s a downside as it turns out that nothing can be done for him in Azerbaijan. He needs to recuperate a bit more before he can move on to Turkey. Lucky for him, his travel date is just around the corner.

Upon his arrival in Istanbul, Jordan underwent a brief sedation to enable the doctors to take X-rays of his entire body before the surgical procedure. Now that his amputation surgery is over, his limb that was afflicted with tumors has been successfully removed. The operation went smoothly without any complications.

It has been three days since Jordan underwent an amputation surgery and he is adapting quickly to his new lifestyle. He seems to be a quick learner, as he has already adjusted to his new situation. Additionally, his appetite has returned and he is greatly enjoying the food we provide him with.

Let’s keep sending our well wishes for a fast healing process and a bright future filled with many years to come. Jordan, know that we care for you deeply.

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